Monday, December 21, 2009

yo out of here!!!!!!!!!!!

hey guys..........had my 3rd sem almost ripped me apart from my soul....was restless for past 2 weeks.full night study +malnutrition? if only i had some other food source.....i would've sued the mess manager!!!!!!! but.just  now i've no means 2 conduct a hunger back 2 the xams.yup........the xams were quite matter wat we studied the whole night.the paper seemed brand new!!!!! no pre relations with the mental apathy!!!!!!! total apostacy consumed me while in the virtual horror theatre of words.......only sound heard is the invigilators periodic growling n kacchhhh kachhhh sound of scratching pens!!!!! i had only one single metamorphic question fondling my mind.......were the hell do these teachers get the questions?.......its no sin to study late night......its no sin not to study before n only do that holy ritual one night before the xams.......but.the hardest and worst sin is to write utter blunder when the questions seems hard!!!!! no teacher in the 14 worlds (according to hindu mythology we have 2*7=14 worlds) can withstand the anger when he/she see's that after reading the whole is bloody way to blame them.they too are humans!!!!!!!!

so off with my exams.........its finished.i feel like a david after defeating a goliath......i screamed at nights...come on u bastard 'cell bio'........i'll chop you into pieces......dont you dare to give me a back!!!!
and now feeling flushed out but relieved.......the results may be drastic of heart breaking..........but...."leave no will until thee falls dead"........someone told these words well before my 16th grandpa was born!!!!! so hopin for the best................catch ya later.............

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