Saturday, September 3, 2011

back with a blast!!!

hey r u ppl? hope u guys r havin fun!!!! well as u kno...its the season of rain!!! the small drops of lovely ,life giving liquid falls down with all its might....still its gets shatterd while embracing the earth!!! the impact creates a very distinct mark in the soil...isnt it ironic to love? the rain drop and the soil being lovers....they meet after a very long tym....they are restless and want to meet each other let know how much they loved each other...they dart past hurdles like unleashed tornados....yet after all the pain and natures choice n soon as they meet each other they embrace each other for a split second...n then...boom....gone!!!! the rain drop is shattered n the soil is bruised !!! the story begins again....the love story of a rain drop n the soil!!! just think....well all this crap was started by me coz its raining cats n dogs here!!! its been raininig heavily all the day n my thots grew wings!!!! its tym for a bye....will be bak soon wid more of this crap!!! he he....seeya amigos!!!

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