Saturday, November 21, 2009


and the continuation depicts the pitiful story of the life of that teenager in that collg........the management along wid the mess workers gave him a tym of gr8 misery..........the teachers showing partiality......the other batches givin him a hard tym not cooperating wid his batch!!!!!1........they always said e.c rocks,c.s rocks etc......friday nights were his only hope......he could sleep well till nxt day aftrnoon..........n the gals.not to mention about them.......they behaved as if they were the only females left on earth wid a 100 million males.........even the ugliest ones wanted tom cruise to propose them!!!!!!! some rare cases reported some bloody idiots having the most hottest gals in the campus......but our hero was notr an idiots thereby dint hav any gal friends.......wat more to say..........wester country culture include 'a boy asking a gal out, dating her,having sex wid her n then marrying her........' ..but in our hero's case the gals showed such ignoration impossible for a normal teenager to hold........he was moreover used by them...........many of them.........he was above all this.....he was the star of the collg.......but according to the collgs rule "no gals 4 superstars n good ones".i mentioned this above...........see u more wid lots more to tell.till then sayanora frm ur amigo.......


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i am sorry. I was an ignorant and diligent illiterate during the time i wrote this post. Forgive me for the errors encountered!!! aye aye... \m/


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